The first step towards the entrepreneurship and investment worldwastakenin 1988 with the creation of the tourist agency "Adredj Tours".
The ground was not propitious and the situation was not helping, it had to adapt to survive, "Adredj Services" has then Replaced "Adredj Tours".
By "Services" it should mean various services and subcontracting works. Therefore, the beginning was modest but ambition and still great.
meanwhile, another family business was born, namely "COGEMA South", a hardware, construction materialsand spare partsbusiness. We had to join forces in order to get further all together.
The decision to merge the two companies was Thentaken in 1998, and ACOSCO SARL (South Corporation AdredjCogema) was born.
Since then, ACOSCO did not stop growing; itwon new lands and reinforced by its dedicated staff who shared our dreams and our success.However, before that, we hadconvincedourselves to go at the same time safer and bigger.
We made a name and a brand image; thanks to skills and selflessness of its men and women, ACOSCOforged its own personality andbecame an integral part of the social and economic tissue in the region.